Multidisciplinary Engineering

Albert Engineering & Project has gained experience for knowing exactly when – and how to face the technical challenges, that our clients propose Developing

concepts, engineering objectives, scheduling projects, managing risks and cost defining

Throughout the study phases, we use our past experience and the targets provided, to define key decision and project risks, assuring that engineering and development corresponds with our clients demands.

Quite often other teams risk failure, because they do not focus on the original aim of the design, whereas our modus operandi guarantee to our projects efficiency and security.

We are able to supply a very high standard of consultancy in various sectors, from Oil & Gas to renewable energy. Our extensive experience in this field enables us to apply a multidisciplinary approach, through the entire life cycle of Development and Production, including assessment studies, construction phases up until the last decommissioning step.

Main planning services:

  • Feasibility study
  • Basic Engineering
  • Front End Engineering
  • Detailed Engineering
  • EPC Engineering

Multidisciplinary engineering aspects are listed below:

  • Process Engineering
  • Process Engineering
  • Instrumentation and Electrical Engineering
  • Civil and Erection Engineering
  • Machine Engineering
  • 3D Modelling
  • Procurement Assistance and Follow up to suppliers
  • Supervision for construction, start up, commissioning and maintenance

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