Technology Enabling Fundamental
26 Sep 2019 - Technological innovation

DEVELOPMENT AND OPTIMIZATION OF A GENERAL PURPOSE MODULAR STRUCTURAL MONITORING. The project is part of the Fundamental Enabling Technology (KET-KeyEnabling Technology) aimed at achieving the following objectives:
advanced materials
The sector application which is referred to is "intelligent factory" for the thematic SN_A1 Production processes with high efficiency and sustainability .
In particularly the sub-themes of research developed by the project proposal I'm:
Technologies and Virtual Reality / Augmented for the product-system process management applications
The MonVia technological platform, consisting of sensors interconnected to each other, represents the "evolution of a hitherto consolidated service model, capable of impacting positively on ways and habits of various users. The services currently in use may provide for the static controls carried out punctually or dynamic checks in situ by means of the "application of permanent sensors.
The project, based on both research elements applied to both the principles of integration of existing technologies, has as its objective the realization of a prototype system, constituted by the "integration and functionalization specification of a significant number of components with different transmission systems data remotely.
The innovation lies in creating a common platform of sensingmultiparametrico, which allows to perform a continuous monitoring and dynamic, whose data are analyzed individually but also integrated with each other to take advantage of a large amount of information in the "predictive analysis of damage.
The project has as its objective the development and "optimization of devices, protocols and mathematical models for monitoring, control and management Structural works.
For this purpose it is expected the "implementation of a sistema general purpose modulare, for the monitoring of structural movements. Such a system will be able to integrate different types of sensors (MEMS sensors, sensors traditional electro-mechanical, laser sensors, fiber optic sensors), that It will be functionalized with smartmaterials, in relation to the different application which shall be assigned (monitoring viaducts, dams, historic buildings, industrial plant, etc. ..).
The great advantage of the proposed system will be to allow a dynamic monitoring high efficiency intended for mass production, able to increase the quantity and quality of available data, in IoT optics, for the purpose of evaluation of the "performance of the structural characteristics of the works for the application of preventive measures to reduce the risk.
The information thus obtained can be easily found by sharing in the cloud, will allow the development of predictive models are essential to the design of the safeguard measures. The proposed methodology will allow, to the instrumental level, precision, repeatability and resolution capabilities in a population representative of different situations related to high levels of risk.
The monitoring of the stability of high environmental risk induced structures (bridges, viaducts, tunnels, dams) will identify monitoring standard procedures suitable to the cases analyzed.
The substantial improvements made by the use of such technologies in the field of monitoring of infrastructure movements allow the realization of early warning systems of hazardous conditions for population centers and communication routes affected by phenomena of instability, whose “precursors” They will be detected by a suitable control system based on the proposed technologies.